Stefan Boos

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Applied Software Forensics - Temporal Coupling in HospitalRun

01 Apr 2022

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Sum of Coupling (SoC)

For the time period of 11/2019 to 11/2020, the column “SoC” in the following table shows how often each file has been committed together with other files. Among others this top 10 list includes the hotspots from the previous analyses: ViewPatient*.tsx, HospitalRun*.tsx and patient-slice.ts.

Sum of Coupling
SoC Module
1205 frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx
1145 frontend/src/__tests__/HospitalRun.test.tsx
1107 frontend/src/__tests__/patients/view/ViewPatient.test.tsx
1044 frontend/src/patients/new/NewPatient.tsx
1029 frontend/src/HospitalRun.tsx
978 frontend/src/patients/edit/EditPatient.tsx
972 frontend/src/__tests__/scheduling/appointments/view/ViewAppointment.test.tsx
961 frontend/src/scheduling/appointments/view/ViewAppointment.tsx
958 frontend/src/__tests__/scheduling/appointments/new/NewAppointment.test.tsx
954 frontend/src/patients/patient-slice.ts

Coupling of Individual Modules

The following diagram depicts the coupling between hotspots and their dependencies. Hover over the connection lines to see the percent of coupling, i.e. in how many percent of commits the partner is also changed.

Figure 1: Dependencies of the Selected Main Hotspots

The basis of the diagram are these coupling tables. The revs value is the number of revisions considered:

Coupling of view/ViewPatient.tsx
entity coupled degree average-revs
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/view/ViewPatient.test.tsx frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx 66 35
frontend/src/patients/list/Patients.tsx frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx 31 29
frontend/src/patients/patient-slice.ts frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx 30 37
frontend/src/patients/edit/EditPatient.tsx frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx 30 30
frontend/src/model/Patient.ts frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx 30 30

Coupling of src/HospitalRun.tsx
entity coupled degree average-revs
frontend/src/HospitalRun.tsx frontend/src/__tests__/HospitalRun.test.tsx 36 31
frontend/src/HospitalRun.tsx frontend/src/user/user-slice.ts 30 26

Coupling of patient-slice.ts
entity coupled degree average-revs
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/patient-slice.test.ts frontend/src/patients/patient-slice.ts 67 28
frontend/src/containers/ViewPatient.tsx frontend/src/slices/patient-slice.ts 50 10
frontend/src/patients/patient-slice.ts frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx 30 37

Performing a Temporal Coupling Analysis

Overview: Sum of Coupling (SoC)

The analysis is based on the git history for all repositories making up the system.

cd ../analysis

# Prepend the component path to all changed files in each evo log
for SUT in frontend server components; do \
  TARGET="${SUT}_evo_with_extra_path.log"; \
  rm $TARGET; \
  cat ${SUT}_evo.log | awk -F '\t' "{ if (NF == 3) { print \$1 \"\\t\" \$2 \"\\t\" \"$SUT/\" \$3 } else { print \$0 } }" >> $TARGET; \

# Combine all logs into a single log
python $MAAT_SCRIPTS/combine-repos/ frontend_evo_with_extra_path.log \
                                                    server_evo_with_extra_path.log \
                                                    components_evo_with_extra_path.log \
                                                    --output all_evo.log

# Sum of Coupling
docker run -v "$PWD":/data -it code-maat-app -l /data/all_evo.log -c git -a soc > all_sum_of_coupling.csv

# Remove excluded files from evo.log
for FILE in $(cat cloc-exclude-files.txt); do sed -i '' "/$FILE/d" all_sum_of_coupling.csv; done

# Use only the top 10 files
head -n 11 all_sum_of_coupling.csv > all_sum_of_coupling_top10.csv

# Convert the csv files to json for processing them with jekyll (just for this website)
csv2json -o sum.json all_sum_of_coupling_top10.csv

Measure Temporal Coupling on File Level

docker run -v "$PWD":/data -it code-maat-app -l /data/all_evo.log -c git -a coupling > all_coupling.csv
Filter By Hotspot

The Rainbow CSV Plugin for Visual Studio Code allows experimenting with CSV file filters in a WYSIWIG way.

Once you have found the filter query, you can use the RBQL CLI to filter the CSV file from the command line:

# Install the rbql cli
npm install -g rbql

export QUERY="SELECT * WHERE LIKE(a1, '%view/ViewPatient%') || LIKE(a2, '%view/ViewPatient%') ORDER BY a3, a4 DESC WITH (header)"; \
rbql-js --delim "," --query "$QUERY" < all_coupling.csv > viewpatient_coupling.csv

export QUERY="SELECT * WHERE LIKE(a1, '%src/HospitalRun.tsx%') || LIKE(a2, '%src/HospitalRun.tsx%') ORDER BY a3, a4 DESC WITH (header)"; \
echo $QUERY; rbql-js --delim "," --query "$QUERY" < all_coupling.csv > hospitalrun_coupling.csv

export QUERY="SELECT * WHERE LIKE(a1, '%patient-slice.ts%') || LIKE(a2, '%patient-slice.ts%') ORDER BY a3, a4 DESC WITH (header)"; \
rbql-js --delim "," --query "$QUERY" < all_coupling.csv > patient-slice_coupling.csv

# Convert the csv files to json for processing them with jekyll (just for this website)
csv2json -o viewpatient_coupling.json viewpatient_coupling.csv; \
csv2json -o hospitalrun_coupling.json hospitalrun_coupling.csv; \
csv2json -o patient-slice_coupling.json patient-slice_coupling.csv;
Visualize Temporal Coupling

The diagram above was created using a D3.js chord diagram. You can inspect the associated JavaScript here: d3-chord-diagram.html.

The data from the previously created CSV files is transferred to the JavaScript variables names and matrix. In the matrix each line and each column represents the files in the names array. The numbers specify the coupling between the file associated with a line and the file associated with a column.