How I Prepare a Scene
- Find a source of inspiration, e.g. a source book or do an internet search for technical drawings, architecture sketches, rendered maps, etc.
- Draw the scene in DungeonDraft
- Export the drawing as Universal VTT. Grid off, Lighting on, Brightness 100%, Focus 100%, Overlay Level 100%, Camera Filter None, Grid Presets Custom, Grid PPI 100 pixels.
- Import the drawing into FoundryVTT. Use the Universal Battlemap Importer module for importing the scene. Image Type / Extension webp.
- Populate your map in Foundry VTT.
At this point you have a map. If you have added walls, doors and windows in DungeonDraft already, then these should work in Foundry VTT.
Link Collection
Missions for New Groups
- Food Fight, e.g. part of the SR5E Digital Starter Box
- Fast Food Fight, e.g. part of the SR5E Digital Starter Box
- The Delian Data Tombs
- Gravedirt Slinging
- Schattentricks
- The ShadowRun Missions have been running for many ‘seasons’, and the first two seasons are available for free from the Catalyst web site (it may take some googling to find them, but they are there). They were written back in third edition, so you’d need to change stats and matrix information – but this is actually quite easy in most cases as you can use the standard NPCs (of various grades of professionalism) either as written or at least as a reference.
- Shadowrun Missions / SRM00-01 Death of a Fixer (Season 1, mission 1) is a way to bring player characters together.
- Publicly available Missions - Season 1
- Publicly available Missions - Season 2
Reference Materials
Tools for Players and Game Masters
Roll20 - Online Virtual Table Top with Shadowrun support.
Encounter Library - showing you how to use the tools of a DM (FoundryVTT, DungeonDraft).
- FoundryVTT - Host your Virtual Table Top on your PC. Allows many plugins.
- Media Optimization Guide - Folder structure, file naming, optimizing assets.
- Shadowrun 5e for Foundry VTT - Shadowrun 5e package description.
- SR5-FoundryVTT - Item Compendium Import - How to import the items from Chummer5e.
- PDFoundry - PDF viewer allowing to use the links in imported Chummer5e items to Shadowrun source books.
- Trigger Happy - Trigger events when your players interact with the scene.
- Chummer 5a - SR5 character generator, carreer management, rule book quick access tool.
- Omae v2 - SR5 character generator
- Hero Lab - SR6 (and other systems) character generator and character library
Tools for Game Masters
- Fake Name Generator - Allows to select name and home by country.
Generate NPCs (i.e. Grunts, Pregens)
- Shadowrun Mob Master - A generator for NPCs and mobs of NPCs (SR5e).
- Shadowrun Grunts
- Reply #5: Shadowrun 6 Archetypes - SR6 variants of some archetypes
- RPTools Wiki - Role Playing Tools.
Shadowrun Game Tools - Tokens, Symbols, etc.
- Probability Table for Checks
(Battle) Map Editors
- Dungeondraft - can export / import to MapTool, Virtual Table Tops, jpg, png and many more.
- Cartography Assets - Asset sharing platform.
- Cartography Assets: Cyberpunk - Cyberpunk assets.
- Gnome Factory Free Assets
- Modern Plumbing Free Assets
- Star Wars Free Assets
- Tiger Pipeworks Free Assets
- Cartography Assets - Asset sharing platform.
- Dungeon Alchimist(TM)
My Favourite YouTube Role Play Parties
Orkenspalter TV Shadowrun - Pen & Paper Let’s Plays (German)
Chummers in Paradise - Shadowrun Chummers in Paradise Campaign (30 Episodes).