Stefan Boos

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Getting Started

  1. Follow Daniel Higginbotham’s book CLOJURE for the BRAVE and TRUE to learn the ultimate language and become a better programmer.

Important Commands

# Create a new clojure application
lein new app clojure-noob

cd clojure-noob

# Run the application
lein run

# Create a distributable JAR for the Java Virtual Machine
lein uberjar

# Run the JAR
java -jar target/uberjar/clojure-noob-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

# Start the REPL - read eval print loop
lein repl

Language and API References

Exercises Specifically for Clojure

Interesting Clojure Projects


The following list shows the tools and reading materials I have encountered while reading CLOJURE for the BRAVE and TRUE.


Reading Material

  • Leiningen - the build system automating Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire.
  • Clojure Documentation - community-driven documentation site for the Clojure programming language.