Learning to Program
As of today this is just a list of ressources.
Things My Kids Liked
… at about 6 - 8 years
- Scratch - Create and share stories, games and animations.
- FizzBuzz TDD on Scratch - for software developing parents: How to TDD a kata.
- Lego Mindstorms - How to program Lego Mindstorms in Scratch, Java and Python.
… at about 8 - 14 years
- Minecraft Mods - Links regarding Minecraft programming.
- Roblox Developer - Roblox Developer Portal.
- Learn Roblox Studio - Onboarding - Getting started as a Roblox game developer.
- Microsoft Unity and C# - Game development
… at about 14+ years
- Godot Engine and Python - Game development
- CircuitPython on an ESP32 micro controller - Hardware hacking, USB keyboard and mouse emulation, WLAN penetration testing (see also: adafruit / learn)
- C++ on an Arduino Uno micro controller - Assembling and programming hardware (see also: adafruit / learn)
Workshops My Kids Took (In German)
- Forscherfreunde - Feriencamps, Online-Workshops und Ferienreisen.
- Forscherfreunde: Daddeln und Denken mit Minecraft - Feriencamp rund um Minecraft: Logik-Schaltungen, Command Block Programmierung u.a.
- Lukas Schneider (MrLuchs): Deine eigenen Games erstellen - MrLuchs zeigt Spiele-Programmierung mit C# und Unity.
- MrLuchs Youtube Channel - MrLuchs spielt Eure Spiele und veröffentlich Tipps und Tricks.
- MrLuchs Spieleentwickler Challenge - Challenge für Kinder mit Preisgeld.
- Hardware Hacking Area at 37th Chaos Communication Congress - Getting started with electronics, soldering electronic circuits, assembling and programming micro controllers, performing penetration testing with micro controller based devices
Challenges for Kids
- World Robot Olympiad Association - a truly global robotics competition dedicated to science, technology and education.
- World Robot Olympiad (in German) - Deutsche Einstiegsseite.
Other Ideas and Resources My Kids Have Not Tried (Yet)
In German
- Let’s Code Minecraft - Webinar: Programmieren Lernen mit Minecraft (Redstone, ComputerCraft and Lua).
- Programmieren mit der Maus - Mit der Maus Programmieren lernen.
- Dein Programm - Lerne die absoluten Grundlagen des Programmierens mit einer funktionalen Programmiersprache.
- Pixelflood
- Wikipedia: Niki - der Roboter (Wikipedia) - Einfache Roboter-Programmierung.
Multiple Languages
code.org - Nonprofit organisation giving access to computer science to young students from 4 to 18+ years (supported by Microsoft, Google, Amazon and many others)
Little Hackers: Learning to Code for Early Readers - Kickstarter project for kids aged 6 and above.
WebTigerJython Turtle Grafik - Turtle graphics in python in the browser.
- What is MakeCode - introduction and documentation of MakeCode for Circuit Playground Express
Microsoft MakeCode - Online learning platform for programmers, game devs, device programmers and minecraft mods
- adafruit & Microsoft MakeCode - beginners projects and tutorials for Circuit Playground Express