Applied Software Forensics - Trend of Coupling in HospitalRun
10 May 2022
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
Trend of Coupling for Hotspot view/ViewPatient.tsx
The temporal coupling was measured the time period of Nov. 6, 2019 to Nov. 5, 2020. The year was quite arbitrarily split
into phases of 3 months each. For each phase, the temporal coupling for the hotspot view/ViewPatient.tsx
entity | coupled | degree | average-revs |
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/view/ViewPatient.test.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 70 | 20 |
frontend/src/patients/list/Patients.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 44 | 18 |
frontend/src/patients/edit/EditPatient.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 41 | 17 |
frontend/src/patients/new/NewPatient.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 38 | 18 |
frontend/src/model/Patient.ts | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 36 | 19 |
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/GeneralInformation.test.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 34 | 15 |
entity | coupled | degree | average-revs |
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/view/ViewPatient.test.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 64 | 17 |
frontend/src/patients/edit/EditPatient.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 45 | 18 |
frontend/src/patients/new/NewPatient.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 41 | 17 |
frontend/src/patients/list/Patients.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 40 | 15 |
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/GeneralInformation.test.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 38 | 16 |
entity | coupled | degree | average-revs |
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/view/ViewPatient.test.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 66 | 8 |
frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | frontend/src/user/user-slice.ts | 41 | 12 |
entity | coupled | degree | average-revs |
frontend/src/__tests__/patients/view/ViewPatient.test.tsx | frontend/src/patients/view/ViewPatient.tsx | 75 | 8 |
For the selected hotspot, the temporal coupling is reduced over time. This is a good trend.
There may be different reasons:
As shown in the development cycles analysis, the overall development speed was reduced in the second half of the time period of interest,
There was fewer reason for coupling in the second half year: Checking the commit messages reveals that in the first six months the number of feature related commits touching the hotspot was significantly higher than in the last six months (21+14 vs. 6+6).
The coupling might have been reduced: The number of refactoring related commits for that file was lower in the first half of the “year” than in the second half (1+2 vs. 4+5).
Explore the Trend of Coupling
To generate a coupling file for each development period of interest
- Find an ideal period of months from the Development Cycles analysis
- Update AFTER date and time period MONTHS in the configuration “script” below
- Run the “scripts” of the next sections for every development cycle you want to include
# Analyze Coupling for a development cycle
cd $HOME/source/hospitalrun
# Configuration
export MAAT_SCRIPTS=$HOME/source/learn/your-code-as-a-crime-scene/maat-scripts
# Specify start date and development cycles
AFTER=2019-11-06; \
Combine git History of Multiple Repositories for a Development Cycle
# Derived variables
declare -a MODULES=("frontend" "server" "components"); \
BEFORE=$(date -j -v+4m -v+2d -f "%4Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" +%Y-%m-%d "${AFTER} 00:00:00 ${TIMEZONE}"); \
YEARMONTH=$(date -j -f "%4Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" +%Y%m "${AFTER} 00:00:00 ${TIMEZONE}"); \
# For each module create one git history file per development cycle
for SUT in "${MODULES[@]}"; do \
echo "Get git history for $SUT ..."; \
cd ${SUT}; \
git log --pretty=format:'[%h] %an %ad %s' --date=short --numstat --after=$AFTER --before=$BEFORE > "../analysis/$EVO_FILE"; \
echo "Prepend module path to git history change entries for $SUT ..."; \
TARGET="${SUT}_evo_${YEARMONTH}P${MONTHS}M_with_extra_path.log"; \
cat "../analysis/${EVO_FILE}" | awk -F '\t' "{ if (NF == 3) { print \$1 \"\\t\" \$2 \"\\t\" \"$SUT/\" \$3 } else { print \$0 } }" > "../analysis/$TARGET"; \
cd ..; \
# Combine the git history files of all modules into one
FRONTEND_EVO="frontend_evo_${YEARMONTH}P${MONTHS}M_with_extra_path.log"; \
SERVER_EVO="server_evo_${YEARMONTH}P${MONTHS}M_with_extra_path.log"; \
COMPONENTS_EVO="components_evo_${YEARMONTH}P${MONTHS}M_with_extra_path.log"; \
cd analysis; \
python $MAAT_SCRIPTS/combine-repos/ "$FRONTEND_EVO" \
--output all_evo_${YEARMONTH}P${MONTHS}M.log
# Perform the coupling analysis for each combined history file
SUT=all; \
echo "Analyze Coupling for $EVO_FILE to $COUPLING_FILE ..."; \
docker run -v "$PWD":/data -it code-maat-app -l /data/$EVO_FILE -c git -a coupling > "$COUPLING_FILE"; \
cd ..
Inspect Coupling for a Hotspot
Filter the files such that only your hotspot of choice is considered in the coupling analysis:
# Configure time period and hotspot file
AFTER=2019-11-06; \
YEARMONTH=$(date -j -f "%4Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" +%Y%m "${AFTER} 00:00:00 ${TIMEZONE}"); \
HOTSPOT=view/ViewPatient.tsx; \
# Filter hotspot coupling into separate csv file
cd analysis; \
COUPLING_CSV="all_coupling_${YEARMONTH}P${MONTHS}M.csv"; \
COUPLING_JSON="all_coupling_${YEARMONTH}P${MONTHS}M.json"; \
export QUERY="SELECT * WHERE LIKE(a1, '%${HOTSPOT}%') || LIKE(a2, '%${HOTSPOT}%') ORDER BY a3, a4 DESC WITH (header)"; \
rbql-js --delim "," --query "$QUERY" < "$COUPLING_CSV" > "${COUPLING_PREFIX}_${COUPLING_CSV}"
# Convert the csv to json (for publishing the data on this jekyll page)
cd ..